So that Times of Healing & Freedom May Come


I guess everyone has had a cut, scraped knee, or a splinter they had to pull out. It hurts, but the wound heals. Sometimes, however, the injury is much more severe and complete healing seems to evade you.

The same can be true of emotional wounds. There seems to be some things we just can’t get over. I had many of those wounds. My childhood was quite cruel. However, I have learned there is no wound that Jesus can not heal. Please watch my video about the napkin holder. Jesus can heal your deepest wounds too. This book helps you walk through the same journey that brought me so much healing. Enjoy!

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I guess everyone has had a cut, scraped knee, or a splinter they had to pull out. It hurts, but the wound heals. Sometimes, however, the injury is much more severe and complete healing seems to evade you.

The same can be true of emotional wounds. There seems to be some things we just can’t get over. I had many of those wounds. My childhood was quite cruel. However, I have learned there is no wound that Jesus can not heal. Please watch my video about the napkin holder. Jesus can heal your deepest wounds too. This book helps you walk through the same journey that brought me so much healing. Enjoy!

I guess everyone has had a cut, scraped knee, or a splinter they had to pull out. It hurts, but the wound heals. Sometimes, however, the injury is much more severe and complete healing seems to evade you.

The same can be true of emotional wounds. There seems to be some things we just can’t get over. I had many of those wounds. My childhood was quite cruel. However, I have learned there is no wound that Jesus can not heal. Please watch my video about the napkin holder. Jesus can heal your deepest wounds too. This book helps you walk through the same journey that brought me so much healing. Enjoy!