Home Churches

How Do You Start Home Churches?
Starting a house church is not a difficult thing. There is no “one size fits all” method. You do not need to read 500 books on how to do it. In order to know how to start a house church, let us look at why we need house churches. We will look at these reasons not in any particular order of importance. Remember, the word “church” never refers to a building. It refers to a gathering of people.
We have talked about the evolution of the church in another part of this website. Churches started out in people’s homes. The Roman government turned Christianity into an institution that required large buildings and paid professionals. These buildings and professionals place a heavy financial burden on the people. Many church budgets are strained just maintaining the status quo. Without the burden of building funds and paid staff, collected money can be used for many great things that can help the kingdom spread.
Home Church Starting Tip: Never make your home church about money or big growth. The goal is not to grow to where you can rent a building, then build one. The goal is to grow to a certain size, then multiply to two groups, then….One more thing about money. It is a good thing to have an outside ministry interest. Perhaps your goal is to help stock the local food pantry. Having that outside goal keeps the group from becoming inwardly focused. Remember, complete financial transparency is essential. Always have at least two people involved whenever there is money present.
I have read the book of Revelation. I have also watched recent news. I can not find a growing trend where large churches will be tolerated. People have used COVID to attack them. One state governor allowed strip clubs to stay open, but forbade churches to open. He threatened church goers with heavy fines if they attended. Home churches allow for much more freedom and much less regulation.
Home Church Starting Tip: Be aware of local ordinances. Having ten cars in your driveway and on your street every weekend will annoy your neighbors. Think ahead.
Let’s face it. It is easy to get lost in a crowd. Attending a church of even a couple of hundred makes it easy for people to come and go unnoticed. Anyone can boast they have not missed a single day of church in 20 years. But, how much have they grown? When our Christian walk is focused on going to some building every Sunday, we tend to place Yahweh far away.
On the contrary, meeting in small groups helps foster friendships and growth. People are more noticed if they are missing or going astray. We discover Yahweh actually knows where we live. We simply can’t just sit in the back row.
Home Church Starting Tip: Make it clear from the very beginning that each person is responsible for their walk with Yahweh. Encourage people that “church” does not mean buildings. Have well researched materials for your groups. Encourage everyone to participate. Notice the timid. Help them along.
Listen in on this phone call:
Senior Pastor: “Hi John, did you hear? The children’s pastor is quitting because the music pastor got a bigger budget.”
Assistant Pastor: “Yes I heard. But we had to pull money for the building fund from some where.”
Senior Pastor: “I know what to do! We will take up a special emergency offering this Sunday. Then we will make an offer to the children’s pastor at the church down the street. I am sure we can get her. I heard a lot of people gossiping about her. We don’t agree with their theology, but what else can we do?”
Assistant Pastor: “Sounds like a great idea. I bet we can get her cheap. Let’s not worry too much about their theology. With the right offer, I am sure we can make her see things our way.”
When church becomes all about growth and programs, it ceases to be about a relationship with Yahweh and each other. It becomes a business. Business churches often split. That causes division and pain.
On the other hand, a small group that has a well defined purpose and intends to send people out to start their own meetings tends not to have those division problems. Multiplication is so much easier then.
Home Church Starting Tip: We talked about your church handbook elsewhere on this website. Having a well thought out handbook and making sure everyone knows it will avoid many points of division. Again, your group is about people growing closer to Yahweh, not the new stained glass window.
Christianity will always be about a personal relationship with Yahweh - through Jesus. When church evolution caused higher ranking church officials to be introduced, people were trained to be spectators. Why spend time praying when you can pay someone to do that for you?
Home Church Starting Tip: A great way to keep people from being spectators is to have a different person give a testimony each week. Have different people bring and serve communion each week. Mix things up.
One of the biggest reasons leaders fall and churches fail is that men and women (who should not be alone together) are often alone together. Who has not heard of the proverbial senior pastor/church secretary scenario? Again, with the professional - do it all - pastor vs the spectator laity Christian mentality, tremendous burdens are placed on church staff. Thus the senior pastor and church secretary are forced to be on site for long periods of time - often alone.
Small house churches place little burden on their pastor. In fact, they do not even have a pastor. Men and women can keep a safe distance.
Home Church Starting Tip: Mr. and Mrs. Jones should get the charcoal and hot dogs for the Bar-B-Que. Mr. Jones and Mrs. Smith should NEVER do that. And Mr. Jones and Miss Johnson should NEVR, NEVER do that. I think you get the idea.