What does
the Bible Say?

The Bible Has A lot to Say
The Bible tells us about how God (Hebrew name Yahweh) created everything. Yahweh exists completely outside our world of time and gravity. He is bigger than our entire universe. The Bible tells us Yahweh created Heaven and all of the various species of heavenly beings. Yahweh also created the Earth and everything in it. Yahweh also created a legal system in which he declared what is right and good, and what is wrong and evil.
There is one thing we must learn from the Bible right now. Yahweh created mankind to be the highest ranking species on Earth. Yahweh created us to have rulership (not ownership) over this planet. Yahweh desired to form a partnership between himself and mankind. In other words, we did not evolve from monkeys or pond scum.
But, there was a problem. Numerous heavenly beings did not like the way Yahweh set things up. And they rebelled. They went to war. The most known of these rebellions is when the devil came to the Garden of Eden. He got Adam and Eve to reject Yahweh’s commands, and to obey him. When mankind ate from the tree Yahweh commanded them not to, perfect union between Yahweh and mankind was destroyed. The devil stole the authority mankind had been given, and the Earth became cursed. Mankind’s nature became sinful (meaning we naturally do what is opposite of what Yahweh wants). Yahweh’s system of right and wrong had been violated - and that just could not be “swept under the rug”.
This violation gave the devil freedom to wreck havoc on Earth. But Yahweh had a plan.
In order to set things right, Yahweh’s legal system had to be satisfied. Mankind’s rebellion had to be paid for. But mankind was hopelessly unable to pay that debt. So Yahweh did. Yahweh drew from himself and created a baby in the womb of a young woman. That baby we call Jesus (Yeshua in the Hebrew language).
Jesus grew up just like we did. He lived a life of pure obedience to Yahweh. Then, at the time of Yahweh’s choosing, Jesus died on a Roman cross. Yahweh accepted that death as full payment for all of mankind’s sins. Yahweh’s legal system was satisfied.
But Jesus did not stay dead. Because he was sinless,Yahweh raised him back to life. Jesus walked the Earth many days. Then he was taken up to Heaven. Shortly after that, Yahweh sent his Holy Spirit to live in everyone who believed in, followed, and obeyed his son Jesus. Yahweh could live with men again because their sin was destroyed by the death of his son Jesus.
So, once again, Yahweh and mankind could dwell together and be partners on planet Earth. The rest of the Bible tells us about how Yahweh partnered with people to take back this world. The Bible’s final book, Revelation, tells us how Yahweh will bring this world to an end, judge and punish all evil, and how he will create a new Heaven and a new Earth