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Why do we need handbooks? We need them because handbooks will help keep peace and order as we meet. Whenever people meet, you will have different perspectives, opinions, traditions, etc. If everyone is allowed to do what they think is best, your meetings will end up in chaos. Let me illustrate.
I use to be part of a prayer group that met from noon till one - Monday through Friday. There would normally be about a dozen people there to pray. Simple math tells us we should each pray for about 5 minutes. I was not in any leadership role in that group.
One man often attended that group. I will call him Sam. Sam was a very broken and insecure man. Sam would often pray for more than half an hour. When he was done praying, he would look around to see who was watching him, to see who was impressed. Nobody was impressed, and many were irritated because they did not get to pray. This continued for weeks. Leadership never addressed this issue. People left the group. Furthermore, Sam’s extended prayers did not bring him any healing.
Let us look at several ways leadership could have handled this issue.
The first way was to do nothing.
Leadership could have interrupted Sam mid prayer. But that would have caused Sam embarrassment. Other people could have been offended as well.
Sam could have been told not to come back.
Or, you could have a handbook.
Your handbook should contain a section about prayer time protocol. That way everyone can know what is expected of them. Furthermore, at the start of each prayer meeting, leadership could state: “We have six people here today, please be respectful and limit your prayer to ten minutes.” Humor often works well in these situations. One might add: “We have attached a stick of dynamite to each chair. You will know if you go over your ten minutes.”
With the dynamite, I mean the protocols in place and explained, everyone would understand if leadership put a kind hand on Sam’s shoulder. Sam would have no reason to feel singled out, and nobody would have just cause to be offended.
What follows are some general guidelines for handbooks. I have also included the handbook from a church I use to pastor.

What Should be in a Handbook?
What should be in a handbook? That is a question you must answer. Handbooks are guidelines. They are roadmaps. They teach people boundaries. They help stop conflicts before they can start. With that said, here are a few “must haves.”
Mission Statement
A mission statement tells people what you are about, why you exist. This mission statement is essential for other people and for you. It does not matter if you are a business or a local church body. You exist for a purpose. Mission statements should clearly state your purpose for being, and they should be well communicated to all in your group.
It is a simple truth. There will always be more for you to do than you have time and resources to do. To keep you sane, you need to know what you are supposed to do - and what you are not supposed to do. Well prayed over mission statements will greatly help you navigate that course.
Here is another simple truth. People in your group will approach you with great ideas. Without a mission statement, not agreeing to follow someone’s idea can lead to hurt feelings, gossip, and division. With a well known mission statement, you can politely and fairly decline a suggestion.
Statement of Honor
A statement of honor helps people feel valued, welcome, and safe. It helps people understand your boundaries. It can also be used to call you on the carpet when you mess up. I wrote the HONOR part of our handbook based on numerous experiences I went through. Let people know they are truly valued.
I can promise you this: If you allow multi level marketing, investing, or business dealings to operate in your gathering, or, if you sanction them, you will have problems, hurt feeling, and division. “How come the pastor’s wife went to Sally’s Tupperware party, but not mine?” “Why did you buy from him and not me?” “Don’t sign up under him, I can get you to the top quicker.”
I think the point is made. Please read the OAKS handbook below - especially this section.
Suppose you were driving down a road at a speed you felt was safe. You had been carefully checking for speed limit signs for miles, but there simply were not any. Suddenly you see red and blue flashing lights. The police officer gives you a ticket because he feels you were going too fast. How would you like that?
Without rules of conduct, how could you go to someone and tell them they were out of order?
Statement of Faith
A statement of faith (a.k.a. What We Believe) tells people what you hold true. Letting people know up front what your group believes will save you many problems down the road. Trust me in this. I promise, you WILL get people who think differently than you do. Some of these differences will be meaningless. Other differences will be deal-breakers.
Here is yet another truth. The devil has taken people captive to do his will. If your group gets on his radar, he will send people to disrupt you. Letting your people know in advance what you believe (and why you believe it) will go a long ways to keep unity in your group. Having your beliefs in writing will also help you when people tell lies about you. Please trust me in this as well - trusting me will keep you from much pain.
This section is a must have in your handbook. Everyone must know what is to be expected of them. There will always be some people who feel the rules do not apply to them. Allowing them to continue in their defiance will weaken, split, or destroy your group.
When there is a problem, follow Paul’s advice to Titus.
TITUS 3:10
“Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them.”
After the first offense, go to that person privately. If there is no resolution, make the group aware of the issue (perhaps without naming names) and remind the group of what is and is not appropriate. If the offense continues, remind the group and make them aware of the person/people offending. Tell those people they can not remain and they need to find another place.
Once again, this is why a handbook is essential. Without one, people can say all sorts of things. With a handbook that clearly defines protocol, leadership has something to defend their actions.
Finally, we can not cover every issue you may face. We have given you the basics. Handbooks can be updated when needed. Make sure the original and all updates are numbered and dated. Make sure all people are aware of the updates.
May God Almighty bless you on your journey.