Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?
Jesus is God (Yahweh). So, who is Yahweh? Let us start with a camera flash bulb. If the quick, split second flash of the camera bulb represents all of humanity, then Yahweh is bigger than all of the suns in the universe all put together.
OUCH! Yeah, Yahweh is too big to imagine.
The Bible tells us Yahweh exists outside of time. He is not a million years old. He is not ten billion years old. He does not age, nor does he exist in the limits of time. I do not know how to comprehend this. We humans have nothing to compare this to. We exist inside of time.
Yahweh is purely good. There is no evil in him. He is all powerful. He has no limits placed upon him. Yahweh has no mother or father. He did not evolve from space dust. We have heard the phrase: “the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” They are all equally God. Jesus is not less strong than the Father, and He is not stronger than Holy Spirit. They are all one.
At some point (I am not going to put “in time”), Yahweh decided to create the universe. He created the heavens and all who live there. He also created the Earth and all who live there. Please note: just as we have many different species on Earth, so there are many different species in Heaven. Not everyone in Heaven is an angel. Apparently, Yahweh values free will very highly. He gave his heavenly citizens free will. He also gave free will to humanity.
In other words, Yahweh gave everyone the chance to disobey him. Mankind rebelled against Yahweh. So did some of the citizens of Heaven. This created a huge problem. Because Yahweh is so perfect, he can not exist next to sinful creatures - and they cannot exist next to him. The heavenly beings who rebelled have been sentenced to spend eternity in Hell. But Yahweh chose not to destroy humanity. In order to bring humanity close to himself again, he had to destroy mankind’s rebellion and sin. There was only one way to do that.
Yahweh took from himself and created a baby in a human woman’s womb. Jesus, the Son, was born. Some thirty-three years later, Yahweh allowed his Son to die. His death paid for all of mankind’s sin.
Jesus was fully God.But, when he left Heaven to become a baby on Earth, he emptied himself of everything that made him God.He lived a sinless life and performed all those incredible miracles through Holy Spirit.