Setting People Free
in Jesus Name

Oaks Of Righteousness Freedom Center Inc.
Mission Statement
Oaks Of Righteousness Freedom Center Inc. exists to strengthen people who follow Jesus our Lord.
We do this in two ways:
We provide amazing resources to help people experience healing from trauma and freedom from demons.
We provide a wide range of resources to help people start and grow home churches.
Healing from Trauma
Trauma is anything the mind or body can not survive without some form of permanent injury. As Christians, we can pray and ask God Almighty Yahweh to heal us. This ministry works to combine everything you need to bring you complete healing, freedom, and deliverance.
What is Forgiveness?
Jesus talked about forgiveness a lot. What did forgiveness mean when Jesus walked the Earth? In its most simple form, forgiveness is a transfer of debt. Forgiveness brings freedom, brings healing to your body, a release of mental issues, and greater clarity of mind.
Learn more about forgiveness.
Christian Healing & Deliverance Ministry
Abuse and trauma create a debt that can not be paid or healed with money. Oaks of Righteousness knows full well that only Jesus can heal such debts and wounds. In our ministry, we allow Jesus to take us back to where the wounds occurred. This time, we walk through the events with Jesus. We know from many personal experiences that Jesus can bring unbelievable healing to any event. During these healing times, we give Jesus any vows or promises we made. We also transfer the debt any person owes us to Jesus, and we turn to Jesus alone for our healing. In forgiveness, there is great power to bring healing and freedom.
Healing & Deliverance Training
The Journey Continues
Oaks of Righteousness Freedom Center exists to provide written materials, healing services, and training so people can be healed and grow in their Christian walk. We believe in multiplication, not making everyone come through us. We want to help you create your own healing center.
How do you Start Home Churches?
There are many reasons to start a house church. We will talk about these reasons in this website. One of the many reasons for a home church is that home churches are a much better setting for healing ministries to happen than large, corporate churches.
Starting house churches is not a scary thing to do. There is no “one size fits all” process. However, there are some “must haves”. A short list of these must haves includes: A close walk with Yahweh and a strong dependence on Holy Spirit, a commitment to growth and spreading, and a few close, like minded friends. A more complete list is included in this website.
Fire Rings
There is a message in the Bible we can see over and over again. God Almighty - Yahweh wants to have a close relationship with us. It is like you just got married. Would you like to have your wedding day, then spend the rest of your lives hundreds of miles apart from each other? The Bible says in James 4:8 “Come near to God and he will come near to you.”
About Our Founder
Michael Simmons wasn’t born into a great life of love. Growing up, he didn’t know his biological father. His mother treated him with nothing but hatred and cruelty. He grew up a very broken adult.
But, Yahweh got a hold of him when he was 23. Yahweh has been healing him for the past 38 years. He has been healing physically, and have had many astonishing encounters with Jesus that brought incredible healing to severe emotional and spiritual wounds.
Michael wants you to experience Yahweh the way I have. That is why we are adamant about giving Yahweh freedom to move during our ministry times. We expect Yahweh to show up.